Kids & Adults Pilgrim’s Progress Study: Free Downloads

One great way to teach Pilgrim’s Progress is to have your whole church learn the great gospel truths at the same time! How?

When is a good time to do this?

  • Summer program: May/June/July or June/July/August
  • Wednesday nights during the summer, fall, or spring
  • Sunday mornings, first or second hour when the kids aren’t in Sunday school

Big thanks to one of our churches for sharing the materials they created for their adult and kids’ classes! They used the Ligonier DVD study taught by Derek Thomas + the Pilgrim’s Progress Curriculum and Dramatic Reading Audio CDs from GCP. 

You can download and adapt their forms for your setting:

One Response to Kids & Adults Pilgrim’s Progress Study: Free Downloads

  1. I have been trying to download the samples of the curriculum and book samples to no avail. Can you help me out? I would love to see before making the decision to order.
    Thank you,

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